Sunday, November 16, 2008

Naked Baby!

Today was officially naked baby day. It all started late last night when we suddenly realized we were completely out of diapers. But I'll let Kelsey tell you the rest of THAT story! Later on this evening, I decided it was time for the naked baby photo shoot that I've been wanting to do before Avery gets too big!

The milestones keep coming for this cute little girl. Yesterday Kelsey made Avery laugh for the first time. It was a quick awkward laugh, but a laugh nonetheless! And today, she said her first Spanish word! Sometimes when I talk to her, she watches my mouth and repeats what I say and today she said "hola"! Only 2 months old and little Ave is already well on the road to becoming bilingual...

I don't know if she was enjoying being a model or being naked, but whichever it was, she wasn't happy after the photo shoot was done!


Christy said...

YAY naked baby!!

Unknown said...

if she enjoyed being naked, i dare to say that you may have passed on your "streaking" gene!

Connie said...

"Hola?" Really? So, she didn't inherit the inability to pronounce "l" sounds before age 6. So, hopefully, Lindsay is wrong about any other inherited genes. :)